Friday 30 May 2014

Geometry Syllabus

Geometry Course Syllabus
Mr. Landers                                                                 Room 2602                                                                            967-6500

Course Description:

Geometry is a year-long middle-level math course that students can receive high school credit for.  The class covers Geometry standards set by the state and district.  Successful completion of algebra is a prerequisite for this course.  At the end of the course, the students will be able to take an end of course (EOC) Geometry exam that can fulfill a graduation requirement for the Richland School District. 

Course Overview:
Over the course of the year we will cover the following topics:

ü  Points, Lines, Planes, and Angles
ü  Deductive Reasoning
ü  Parallel Lines and Planes
ü  Congruent Triangles
ü  Quadrilaterals
ü  Inequalities in Geometry
ü  Similar Polygons
ü  Right Triangles
ü  Circles
ü  Constructions
ü  Areas of Plane Figures
ü  Areas and Volumes of Solids
ü  Coordinate Geometry
ü  Transformations

Course Goals and Mastery Levels:
ü  Students will achieve mastery (80%) of the above concepts and pass the class
ü  Students will achieve a passing score on the EOC exam (if necessary)
ü  Students will be prepared to successfully go on into Algebra 2

Course Materials  (to bring to class every day)
ü  A notebook and paper, including graph paper  (3-ring binder with sectional dividers)
ü, pencils, and erasers; 
ü  If tests and quizzes are done in pen, however, there will be a 5% deduction.
ü  Scientific calculator, compass, textbook and protractor.

In-Class Expectations
ü  Eating and drinking is not allowed in class, unless the liquid is water.  I do allow gum in class, provided it is not seen or heard.
ü  Electronic device policy:  If I see it or hear it, I collect it and you get it back at the end of class. 
ü  Phones are not to be used as calculators in this class.  If you need a calculator, you can borrow one.
ü  All tardies are recorded and handled by the office.  Be in your seat when the bell rings.
ü  Keep the language positive in your conversations with and about others.  No swearing please.
ü  The desks are clean.  Please keep them that way by not writing on them. 
ü  Respect others by listening well and responding appropriately when they are done speaking.
ü  During group or partner work, work and share the responsibility with who you are working.
ü  If you’ve got a question or comment, please raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged.
ü  Use your class time well.  Use the class-time that I give you to get started on your homework.

Be ready to work every day!  Math is a doing sport!  It is not a spectator sport!
Grade Calculation:

Tests: Tests are worth 50% of the grade.  There will be a test given at the end of each chapter and at the end of each semester.  The semester test will be worth the equivalent of two regular test scores.  Any student absent from class is expected to make-up the test upon returning.  It is the responsibility of the student to arrange a make-up time with the teacher. 

Quizzes:  Quizzes are worth 30% of the grade.  Quizzes will be given on a regular basis throughout each chapter.  Any student absent on the day of the quiz is expected to make-up the quiz upon returning.  It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a make-up time with the teacher.            

Homework: Homework is worth 20% of the grade.  You will grade your own paper in class before turning it in.  Papers turned in with no name will receive no credit for that day’s homework.  Papers with no work shown / diagrams drawn will also receive no credit. 

Late Policy:  Homework assignments turned in late will receive a 50% deduction.  Assignments turned in more than 1 week late will  be given a zero.  Late is defined as after we collect them at the beginning of class.

Grading Scale

93-100  à  A              83-86   à  B               73-76   à  C                           60-66  à  D

90-92    à  A-             80-82   à  B-              70-72   à  C-                            0-59  à  F
87-89    à  B+            77-79   à  C+             67-69   à  D+                        

Retesting Policy

A student can ask to retake one test per semester if they so desire.  The highest score that can be earned on a retest is 85%, and the grade on the retest is the one that will be recorded.  It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and arrange a time to retake the test with the teacher. 

è If you are absent, you have that number of days plus one to make up your work.  If you are gone 1 day, you have 2 days to get the make-up work turned in.  If you are absent 5 days, you will have 6 days to get the make-up work turned in.
è Students are required to get work ahead of time for planned absences.  Long- term assignments due during a planned absence must be turned in prior to leaving.  This includes all school activities and sports.  Failure to comply will result in a late assignment.
è If there are extenuating circumstances, please communicate these with me as they come up.

Online Communication

I post a blog on a regular basis of the ongoing assignments for this class.  It is listed under the geometry heading on the blog.  This information is also communicated in the classroom. 

Blog site address:          

Regular (almost daily) homework is a part of this class, so keeping up with the assignments and knowing the schedule is a key part of success in Geometry.   
Be ready to work every day!  Math is a doing sport!  It is not a spectator sport!

Geometry Course Syllabus

Top Five Keys to Success:


#1 :  Be prepared with materials and homework each day you come to class.
#2 :  Participate in all activities….in order to learn math one must “do” math.
#3 :  Listen well and take good notes.  You get credit for doing this.
#4 :  Use your class work time well.  Get a great start on your homework each day!
#5 :  Be respectful of each member of our class (their opinions, efforts, and equipment)

Final Note:
I am looking forward to having you in class.  If you or your parent/guardian have any questions for me, please feel free to contact me using the contact information above.

Please sign the lines below indicating you have read and understand the above requirements and expectations of Mr. Landers’ Geometry class. After reading the syllabus  (student and parent), please detach this second signature sheet and return it to me in class.  This is the first assignment of the year.  I will check to see that this has been signed. 

_______________________________          _____________________________________               student signature                                                parent/guardian signature                                 

This syllabus is also posted on the website for the class assignments. 


If you would like a copy emailed to you, just contact me via email and I will be glad to send you a one.

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